Why we would've been better off without the iPod

Why we would've been better off without the iPod

Crave's Eric Mack kicks off WWDC week by imagining a world where Apple never revolutionized digital music and finds it might not be that bad a place, in fact it could be an improvement.

Did Apple hold us back by pushing things forward with the iPod?
As another Apple Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off in San Francisco this week, I've been thinking about what the world would look like without Apple as we've come to know it in the past 15 years. That is to say, how would things be different if Steve Jobs hadn't returned to pull the company he founded from the existential threat of bankruptcy?

I'll try to answer the question in installments this week during WWDC and today I'll begin our tour of this quantum no-Apple universe by considering the life of our doubles in an alternate dimension without the iPod. The more I've dug into the question and the archives, the more I've begun to think they might be better off.

Facebook colonization of the world progress report

Facebook colonization of the world progress report

Social network continues its conquest of the planet, taking over Brazil from Google in the last year, according Vincenzo Cosenza's World Map of Social Networks. China and Russia remain the major populations resisting Facebook.

How To Set Animated Wallpapers On Your iPhone Lock Screen

How To Set Animated Wallpapers On Your iPhone Lock Screen

Having the ability to change the Springboard wallpaper on Apple’s iOS devices was an addition that was certainly welcomed by users when the Cupertino company introduced iOS 4 in 2010. In the following two years not a great deal has changed when it comes to giving users options or abilities relating to being able to customize or personalize their displays.

Regardless of what public opinion may be on jailbreaking and the usage of Cydia, no one can really deny that it allows users to interact and use their device in a way that just wouldn’t be possible without it. The latest premium tweak to land in the jailbroken application hub goes by the name of AnimateLockscreen and immediately makes itself at home as the king of lock screen customization.

Apple's WWDC Filled With Hype, Rumors

Apple's WWDC Filled With Hype, Rumors

We know one thing for sure about WWDC 12: Apple will have the Moscone Center decked out with a giant logo. Beyond that, is anyone's guess.
Monday thousands of Apple fan boys and girls will descend upon San Francisco's Moscone Center for five days of iOS, Mountain Lion and rumors galore.

The 2012 Worldwide Developers Conference will start in downtown San Francisco Monday.

4 services to keep your passwords safe

4 services to keep your passwords safe

The new, larger version of the Internet: IPv6

The new, larger version of the Internet: IPv6

Napster Founders Launch Video Chat for Facebook

Napster Founders Launch Video Chat for Facebook

Sean Parker and Shawn Fanning, the founders of music-sharing site Napster, have launched a new browser-based video chat service called Airtime, that allows users to converse with friends and strangers via their Facebook networks.

Try Windows 8 Metro UI Right On Your Android Tablet With This App

Try Windows 8 Metro UI Right On Your Android Tablet With This App

Want to test Windows 8 out on a touch-screen device and only have an Android-powered tablet to hand? Perhaps you’re a developer who wants to know how their new Windows 8 apps will perform when faced with a touch-screen tablet. Now you can try Windows 8 out on the hardware that it was designed to be used with.

Win8 Metro Testbed uses Splashtop in order to bring the full Windows 8 experience to any Android-powered tablet, giving the illusion of Microsoft’s upcoming tablet and desktop operating system running right on the tablet in front of you.

Root Galaxy S III GT-i9300 The Easy Way With CF-Root

Root Galaxy S III GT-i9300 The Easy Way With CF-Root

Although Android is renowned for being the most customizable and moddable mobile ecosystem, gaining root access still adds an extra dimension, allowing you to get even deeper into your device’s inner working for much more full-on customization.

CF-Root is considered to be the easiest of them all when it comes to rooting – particularly for those just starting out – and if you are a Samsung Galaxy S III owner with very little experience within the darkside of the Android community, the release of CF-Root may well be your proverbial "in".

This Tweak Allows You To Ask Siri About Technical Details Of Your iPhone

This Tweak Allows You To Ask Siri About Technical Details Of Your iPhone

Quite some time has passed since we visited the Changes section of Cydia and found a well made Siri-based tweak that actually provides some useful functionality. The stock implementation of Siri by Apple is impressive, with the intelligent assistant being able to interact with a number of important and useful parts of iOS, meaning that any third-party enhancement for jailbroken devices need to try really hard to bring some real-world improvements.

Audio Editing on YouTube

Audio Editing on YouTube

Windows 8 Tips and Tricks

Windows 8 Tips and Tricks

You'll hate Windows 8

You'll hate Windows 8

Microsoft corporate vice president Steve Guggenheimer introduces Windows 8 at Computex in Taipei.

Microsoft better get ready for a widespread user revolt.