Scottish independence: Payday loan interest rates 'to be capped' post-Yes

Interest rates on payday loans would be capped in an independent Scotland, according to Finance Secretary John Swinney.

He made the pledge as he outlined plans for a reformed system of consumer protection after a Yes vote.

It would focus on tackling issues like payday loans, nuisance phone calls and postal delivery charges.

The UK government argues that the current system offers a consistent approach across all the nations.

Sharknado Causes Spike in Insurance Rates

In the wake of Sharknado — you know, the film about sharks getting sucked out of the ocean by a tornado, and then raining down on Los Angeles — homeowners have been in a panic over protecting their homes with proper insurance. Okay, not really — but they should be.

This Sunday comic shows that if people had just taken the Syfy Channel's campy hit movie to heart, and planned accordingly, they may have avoided the high cost of Sharknado-related damage.