This App Brings Beautiful Live Wallpapers To Your Mac OS X Desktop

A new app, available now in the Mac App Store, brings live wallpapers to Apple’s desktop and notebook computers.

If you’re an Android smartphone user then there is every possibility that you are already very aware of live wallpapers. Standard, static wallpapers are all well and good, but live wallpapers feature moving images, animated to offer something rather different and much more entertaining to look at than a boring photo of a sunset. After all, we spend a lot of our time staring at our smartphones. We also spend an awful amount of time looking at our computer desktops, too, and this new app aims to brighten the experience with a spot of motion.

Costing just $0.99, Live Wallpapers does exactly what that name suggests. Installing the app on your Mac will give you the ability to have a live wallpaper grace your desktop, replacing the images that you’re probably already sick of looking at. We know we are.

Animated images are one thing, but Live Wallpaper also adds the data and time to the equation, so the whole thing takes on a useful bent as well as giving you something to look at. Useful and great to look at? That doesn’t happen every day! Oh, and did we mention that the weather is also incorporated into the wallpaper?

Once installed, Live Wallpaper offers a selection of different themes to choose from, with our personal favorite being an adaptation of the standard Mac OS X wallpaper that we all know and love. The screenshot obviously doesn’t do it justice, so you’ll just need to download the app and try it out for yourself!

The location for which the weather is displayed, as well as the choice of metric or imperial setting for the temperature, can be changed in the rather sparse settings panel. Here you will choose from a selection of themes as well as customize some text that can be added over the top of your live wallpaper of choice.

If you spend all your tune staring at a word processor or photo editing suite, then Live Wallpaper probably isn’t going to enrich your life a great deal. If you’re always in the Finder though, you may want to give this a try. Especially considering the super cheap price point.

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