iPhone 5

Everything you need to know about Apple's upcoming 6th generation iPhone 5, including a rumored 4-inch screen, Apple A6 chipset, 4G LTE connectivity, and more

Apple's sixth generation iPhone 5 (or whatever Apple ends up calling it) is nothing but an assumption right now but if it release schedules hold to pattern, we should see it either in June, or more likely fall of 2012. Rumors and feature wish-lists include a 4-inch screen, a faster Apple A6 chipset -- though whether or not it's quad-core is up for grabs. Real 4G LTE networking could be possible, depending on battery life and whether Apple feels carriers have rolled out enough LTE in enough places to make it worthwhile. Thinner, lighter, more storage, and pricing and availability are all uncertain right now, but bookmark this page and we'll let you know the moment we do.

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