iRobot Releases Smartest Roomba Yet

Using Roomba

iRobot announced on Tuesday the latest vacuum cleaning robot in its Roomba lineup, boasting a wireless command center that schedules cleanings and allows users to control the device from anywhere in the house.

The new Roomba 790 — available now for $699.99 — gives users more flexibility in cleaning. By using the Wireless Command Center remote control, it’s possible to steer the Roomba to any spot in the house and schedule it to routinely clean during certain hours, even when no one is home.

Although the scheduling feature exists on previous Roomba models, it’s only been available via programming on the robot itself. 

“We’re constantly on the pulse of customer feedback and understand users seek flexibility,” Marc Dinee, general manager of iRobot’s Home Robots business unit, told Mashable. “The added features enable them to easily customize the cleaning experience and meet the needs of their individual homes.”

The high-end device, which now comes in a blue design, also touts room-to-room navigation. This allows the robot to methodically clean each room in the home before moving on to the next. 

The Smartes Vacuum Cleaner Yet!

You can also initiate a cleaning downstairs even when you’re upstairs in bed relaxing.

iRobot may be best known for its household products including the Roomba vacuum and the Scooba floor scrubber, but the company’s Packbot military robot has been used in a variety of different ways, including in the front lines of the war in Afghanistan and navigating the rubble at the World Trade Center.

Would you pay $699 for a smart vacuum cleaner? What type of high-tech products for the home are you most likely to splurge on? Let us know in the comments.

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