Surprising report: Forget the iPad, new tablet buyers prefer Android tablets

If you thought that the iPad would be the king of tablets in business for some time to come, then think again, because a new report suggests Android tablets are gaining traction.

Canvassing the opinions of 3,124 business and IT professionals across the world, IDG Connect reveals that 71% of these respondents own a tablet, and says that 51% of these have an Apple iPad.

However, the researcher believes that more first-time buyers will opt for Android over the next year, and says 44% of these folk will go for an Android tablet, with just 27% choosing an iPad. Another 3% are holding out for the first Windows 8 tablets, expected from November, while 21% don't yet know what tablet they will buy.

If this trend does seem somewhat surprising, then it is worth noting that Android’s growth is driven largely by those developing countries, and especially in Africa, where 44% of respondents without a tablet expressed interest in buying some kind of Android slate.

That trend is certainly not the case in North America, where preference for Android tablets is at its lowest level, and IDG poignantly notes in its report that 'Apple’s grip on the psychology of US consumers is famously strong'.

What is more surprising, however, is that this preference for Android tablets extends to Europe, with a mighty 49% of tablet-seeking consumers looking to get an Android tablet in the next year. Just 23% are looking to acquire an iPad over the same time-frame.

IDG’s report also throws up some interesting date on how tablets are being used in work, and suggests 64% of iPad owners use their device for work on a daily basis. This rate drops to 58% for Android tablets owners, but jumps up to 91% for those with RIM’s enterprise-focused PlayBook tablet.

However, for all the claims of business folk are now preferring Android tablets, Apple’s iOS is still expected to hold a very slender market share in 2013. Around 48% of respondents think Apple will lead the tablet market in 2013, followed just behind by Android with 47%.

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