Update: PlayBook designer re-starts Kickstarter funding for innovative Android tablet app

PlayBook UI designer Teknision has re-started Kickstarter funding for Chameleon, its revolutionary app for allowing users to pull together their favorite content on their Android tablets.

Chameleon is a prototype app which enables users to customize the content that appears on the home screen of their Android tablet. This content can vary by time or by the user's location (based on the tablet's GPS connection or WiFi network).

Having started the Kickstarter funding for Chameleon in late May, the project had been going well of late, and looked set to reach its target for $50,000 when TabTimes spoke to Teknision's CEO Gabor Vida some weeks ago.

Unfortunately, a return visit to Chameleon’s Kickstarter page this week revealed that the Canadian firm had called off the funding, just after the company had reached the $50,000 goal. The project had been scheduled to run until tomorrow (June 15).

“Basically, we had a problem with our Amazon Payments account which Kickstarter uses to process payments”, said Vida, when speaking to TabTimes.

 “Unfortunately, Amazon Payments can only be used by American Citizens or American Corporations, so we had two options: get an American representative or start an American corporation.”

Teknision chose to hire an American representative, but Vida revealed that the firm was forced to suspend the project after the representative pulled out, and after encountering a new problem with its payment account.

Vida stressed that the firm has kept backers of Chameleon up-to-date via the Kickstarter page, and says that there is still a great enthusiasm for the project.

“The overwhelming message we got back was very supportive and understanding. We are re-starting the campaign and we are confident that it will be funded again. However, we plan to do a truncated campaign with a shorter span and a smaller goal, just to make sure we still have a successful campaign that doesn’t impact our development schedule”.

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